Saturday, July 28, 2012

Day 3 - Saturday

What a great day!  The day started out with the regional meetings, the business meeting and theme luncheons and ended up with the Saturday Night Banquet.

Here are a few pictures from throughout the day.

Regional Meetings

Region E1 "gang sign.

Business Meeting

Theme Luncheons

Cocktail Party


Mel Prescott Winner, Sylvia Roundtree

Chris Ernst souvenier artisan with Donna Blair, souvenier chair

Houseparty Helper Drawings

Just to let you all know, I have taken hundreds of pictures this week and others have given me their pictures as well.  I will be posting the other pictures during the next few days and weeks.  I'll also include the instructions to the round box challenge in the near future as well.

Talk to you soon!


Friday, July 27, 2012

Day 2 of the Convention

Today there were over a dozen workshop, three theme luncheons, garage sale, and auction that kept everyone busy.  Here is a sample of some of what went on today.


Sorting Mini Swaps

Theme Luncheons
Exhibit Room Selections

Garage Sale

Auction Item Selections

I have been asked when the instructions for the round boxes will be posted.  These will be posted after the convention to be able to add the color photos for your review.

Please comment if you have any other questions.

Enjoy and talk to you soon!


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Opening Day Pictures

Good evening all.  Attached are some more opening day pictures from the luncheon, the sales room, exhibit room, birthday party and roundtables.


Katie the Clown and her "half" clown helper in the Hospitality Room.

Sample Centerpieces - all so lovely!

Stage decor.

Everyone finding their seats.

Rachel Bonney and the Time Capsule.

Honoring Toni Cochran and her years of service to NAME.

The Door Prize Divas - Marie Bird and Carolyn Peck.

Susan Karatjas - Souvenir Artisan

Waiting for the sales room to open.

Shopping fun!

Birthday Party Goers with fabulous hats!

Another great party hat.

Pinning the door on the NAME house.
The front of the line for Roundtables.

The back of the line for Roundtables and still having fun!
 What an amazing opening day and the fun is just starting!

Yours truly, blogging for you!
 Talk to you soon!